Mega Billion Corporation Ltd

Crude Oil TanksMega Billion Corporation Limited is a leader in the of Nigerian Bonny Light Crude Oil (BLCO) sales market. As a privately held company, Mega Billion Corp. Nigeria Ltd is committed to and is focused on delivering reliable services to all her clients. Mega Billion Corporation Ltd is determined to continue to grow in the energy sector and to become one of the recognized leaders in the Nigerian oil and gas industry.

Simplifying Nigerian Bonny Light Crude Oil Buying, BLCO

Crude Oil Tanks Mega Billion Corporation Nigeria Limited has an excellent track record of reliability in the supply of Bonny light crude oil, BLCO. We protect our buyers with 2% Performance Bond while we also expect protection from our customers with bank instrument from the world's top banks. We deliver on TTO, TTT, CIF and FOB basis.

If you wish to purchase Bonny Light Crude Oil from a reliable seller, contact us and we commence the buyer friendly procedure to enable this.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Sercel lands another order for 508XT system

CGG has announced that, in addition to the first two 508XT systems being delivered to the industry this month, Sercel has also sold a system to PanAmerican Geophysical for delivery in July.

The system' s X-Tech architecture allows it to combine the benefits of both cable and cable-free systems in a single platform.

Dave Pratt, Chairman, PanAmerican, said: “We are excited to be the first to deploy the 508XT in North America, having chosen the system based on its unique features which will allow us to achieve the highest levels of production while greatly reducing the number of batteries that need to be deployed and maintained.”

Providing useful resources, articles and writings on crude oil, other petroleum products, energy and gas. By Mega Billion Corporation BLCO seller, Nigeria, online.

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